If you’re considering braces, you may have a lot of questions — and that’s absolutely normal. And one of the most common questions we get is “Why do braces take so long?” That’s a valid concern — after all, braces can take anywhere from one to three years, with the average time around 22 months.
Moving Teeth with Traditional Braces
Using Invisalign to Move Teeth
It Takes as Long as it Takes to Give You a Beautiful, Healthy Smile
As we have mentioned, it takes anywhere from one to three years to complete treatment with braces. And it’s vital to continue until your treatment is complete since it takes about a year for your bone to solidify around the teeth. And while some people will notice their teeth moving much faster than others, you still need to continue to wear your braces or Invisalign trays even after the teeth are in their new position. The bone needs time to solidify, and if braces or aligners are removed too soon, your teeth could move back into their prior position.
Then there’s the question of retainers: After we remove your braces or when you no longer need to use aligners, you will still need to wear a retainer. This will keep your teeth in the proper position, and the doctor will let you know exactly how long you’ll need to wear your retainer to ensure permanent results.
So, when it comes to how long braces take, well, the answer is “as long as your teeth need.” And remember, it will be worth all that time when you see your new, gorgeous smile!
We Are Here for You!
At Love Orthodontics, we are committed to excellence. We focus on creating your beautiful, healthy, functional smile for a lifetime. And we do it with a strong emphasis on your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Give us a call for a free consultation to see how we can help you!